Workshops Part 1 02.-05.08.2016
In the five workshops between 2nd and 5th August, participants engage with the qualities of medicinal plants; investigate the memory, influence and power of architectural forms; roam in a low-tech scanning and invigorating public spaces; and explore buen vivir with the citi-zens of Thurgau, developing performances together. All workshops question which rituals can strengthen the community, both now and in the near future!
Meeting point
Shed im Eisenwerk
Industriestraße 23
8500 Frauenfeld
All workshops are for free
Please register for both workshops in advance
Techno Shamanic
Crossover Voodoo
With Heidi Schoeni, Cristian Alarcon, Gonzalo Fernandez, Esneider Gamboa
02.08.2016 09:15–13:00
03.08.2016 14:15–18:15
This workshop combines the South American and Swiss artists’ specific knowledge of medicinal plants, treatments and local ecologies. In the two half-day workshops, the South American artists share their indigenous cultural knowledge concerning cleansing rituals with the participants, and likewise, knowledge flows from our central European cultural space. Individual artistic positions that deal with strategies of ‘cleansing’ mix with the experiences of the participants. In the public arena and in natural spaces, we improvise playful performative and visually powerful actions, making artistic objects in The Shed. The shared experiences are the basis for a discussion on future sustainability and environmentally responsible crossover action within the meaning of share more/good life. The results of these workshops form part of the ‘living construction’.
We Might Be There
With Sylvia Jaimes, Christians Luna, Reto Mueller, Bojan Mucko
02.08.2016 14:15–18:15
03.08.2016 09:30–13:00
We might be there. Sharing means giving (time for example) without knowing what you will get, including the possibility of getting nothing in exchange. Artists and participants of the workshop will explore an immediate experience which creates long term memory – architecture as enduring memory; experi-ence of memory in architecture; experience of matter in the architecture. This workshop is a continuation of the shared experience of artists from the group’s work during their stay in Croatia, in search for sustainability. Come and join us, maybe we‘ll share something.
What Is Good Life?
With Karl Steffen, Petra Mrsa, Eliana Otta, Julian Santana
Wanderung 04.08.2016 09:30–13:00
Walking tour with our participants. Discover what the people of Frauenfeld would like to change to make a better future, with discussions about sumak kaw-say (buen vivir) and how it relates to here and today. Discussion with participants about what materials to bring for the second day.
Mother Earth Ritual 05.08.2016 14:15–18:15
Developing and performing with our workshoppers a mother earth ritual (avoiding esoteric drifts). How could we invent such a ritual in the urban context? We want to explore, what kind of ‘urban’ rituals would make sense for us, to start sharing a working working/ common space for creative or political practices and trust. On both days, we will work together “hands-on” with our workshop visitors, to develop a logo, to print on big jute or plastic sacks, with screen prin-ting, stencils, spray paint tags or just potato stamps. With an awareness of the history of brands and logos, which can tell a story of European famines and perhaps with a trace of potato to solve that hunger.
Turning Places into Different Knowledges
With Carlos Leon, Mirjam Wanner, Tea Hatadi, Fernando Pertuz
04.08.2016 14:30–18:15
05.08.2016 09:15–13:00
This workshop is a space for the creation of thought, knowledge sharing and collective construction. The objective is to work on the idea of community to propose and implement collective actions in specific public spaces. All of this is done with basic principles like fun, sharing, learning and the sketching of a better world. This experience will develop into a march/procession/ demonstration looking for interaction with the audience. This is where teaching becomes a micro-social experiment where everyone proposes and develops a specific role for a common purpose... with the challenge of understanding the unity in the diversity.
Active, Fun Based, Street Style Bonus Track
With Bildstein | Glatz
05.08.2016 19:30–open end
Workshops Part 2 19.08.-17.09.2016
These workshops have been prepared by two guest artists (Nika Radic, Katharina Lüdicke) and two artist-duos (Halle K, Bildstein | Glatz).
One of the guest artists’ work focuses the plurality of interpretations upon a sculptural construction. The other guest artist searches for organic and non-organic materials and scans the public space of Frauenfeld with the partici-pants, co-llectively creating other homes.
One of the artist-duos invites their participants to a long jog, a chance to say things differently! The other artist-duo invites their partici-pants to develop a fresh sound and light performance.
The Message
With Nika Radic
19.–20.08.2016 14:00–18:00
The Message was a year long collaborative work with the starting point of an abstract, large scale, spatial installation. Visitors were invited to offer their in-terpretation of the work, which was then modified to incorpo - rate their observations. The Shed workshop is an experiment in the inter interactions between private and public life, referencing The Message as a departure point. The public is invited to take part in the physical and conceptual creation of this work.
The Together In Our Time, Where Do We Position Ourselves,
How Do We Act! Provisional Action – Direct Thinking
With Katharina Lüdicke
26.–27.08.2016 14:00–18:00
In many cities, the situation whereby there is a growing scarcity of resources, builds profit for the few, while others become increasingly creative with less. With improvisational actions in Thurgau’s public space, we create impulsive private spaces and improvisational accommodations. Through our direct acti-
ons, we experience the feasible and convey this knowledge into our living sculptural forms. Katharina Lüdicke (Potsdam) studied sculpture at the Berlin Wei-ssensee Art Academy and lives in Berlin. Her work focuses on provisional and imperfect aspects of urban space and architecture. Her transforming proce-sses, which find form in installations and temporary buildings, develop new perspectives on our social and built environment.
With Bildstein | Glatz
14:00–17:00 10 km Longjog
17:00–19:00 Barbetrieb
A purpose-free active experience – where things are said that have never been said before. Visitors are invited to participate in their jogging clothes, and if that sounds too strenuous, we recommend you appear on a bike or perhaps come directly to the bar at the conclusion of the ‘jog’.
I breathe You In
16.–17.09.2016 14:00–18:00
I breath you in is an interactive per- formance by HALLE K, constructed in collaboration with the participants. The motto is ‘share more’, interacting with the standing ‘lively construction’ in the Shed. In each workshop, participants will collectively generate and perform a new work incorporating light, sound, perfu-me, pyrotechnics, objects and the unknown. HALLE K has worked with changing cast members since 1984, experimenting with noise, techno, using tape and sam- plers and working with conventional and homemade instruments. Among the activities of these musicians and performers are to be found pyrote-chnics, video and bright light projections and light techniques.